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Tax Planning and Analytics – ProjectionLab

Explore the new Tax Analytics mode with detailed breakdowns of future income and taxes, improved tax estimation, and a fresh design for the Cash-Flow / Sankey chart.

ProjectionLab v3.5.0 launches the new Tax Analytics mode, with detailed breakdowns of projected income, taxes, rates, and brackets 🎉

Tax Planning and Analytics – ProjectionLab

Want to better understand how different tax types apply to each kind of income? The Effective Brackets chart fuses applicable taxes into a single set of effective brackets per income type (with deductions factored in).

Effective Brackets

You’ll also notice more accurate tax estimation, a restructure of the yearly summary pane, and more 😁


The Cash-Flow Sankey chart has also been redesigned to depict flows in a more artistic and informative way.

Sankey Chart Redesign

As you try out all the new features, you can share your thoughts in the v3.5.0 Release Thread on Discord.

And special thanks to all the beta testers who who kicked the tires on this over the past few weeks. Your feedback was extremely helpful! 🙏


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