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Saving for a Rainy Day

Because emergencies come and go, your rainy day fund is going to fluctuate up and down too.

Sometimes months will have gone by without you using any of the money and it will start to add up and other times after an emergency it might not be looking so good.

‘These savings are there to be used’

That’s alright. These savings are there to be used. They are there to cushion you when things go wrong so that you do not have to rely on expensive credit or running to your family begging for some help

As time goes by, you may need to review how much you are setting aside each month.

Have you received an increase or changed jobs?

Could you save more?

Do you need to increase your saving target as life gets more complicated and more expensive?

Saving for a Rainy Day

Whatever the case, and no matter how often you have to raid your rainy day savings the trick is to just keep saving something big or small.

A rainy day fund can really help when life’s unexpected surprises come around

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