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Debt Review Debit Order Reversal – A Bad Idea

If you are able to query a payment and have it reversed through your bank you will get some money back into your account and can then spend it. So, short term this will seem like a win.

But when a debt review debit order is reversed, the money that has been promised to your credit providers doesn’t reach the people you owe. The banks and other credit providers will immediately be notified by their computer accounting software and investigate why.  This means your debt review agreement immediately starts to fall apart.

Most people in debt review have a court order that requires monthly payments. The amount each month is specifically mentioned in the court order. So, if you miss a payment, you break the requirements of the court order.  Creditors might think you’ve stopped trying to pay them, and they can then freely cancel the agreement.

Once that happens, they can take legal action, like repossessing your car or home. All those collections calls, sms, emails and scary letters will begin again. Say goodbye to peace and quiet. Say goodbye to sleeping well at night.

Debt Review Debit Order Reversal – A Bad Idea

Even more devastating is that your debts will revert to the old calculations from before your debt review. Because the credit providers rework those calculations your debt balances will likely shoot up and you will suddenly be shocked by all the interest and fees the bank will add to the debt. And now you will have to try start paying it off all over again (less the amounts you paid so long during debt review) but the balances will be sky high.

So, you can see that missing even one payment can put you deeper in debt and make it harder to ever fix your finances.

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